News & Updates

  • Monthly News: April 2019
    Posted 04/01/2019

    The due date for filing individual tax returns is April 15.

  • Monthly News: March 2019
    Posted 03/01/2019

    Taxpayers are filing their returns and are being shocked with a smaller refund or even a tax bill to pay.  The IRS is not surprised. 

  • Monthly News: February 2019
    Posted 02/01/2019

    There are many new forms due to the tax law changes. 

  • Monthly News: January 2019
    Posted 01/01/2019

    The IRS will be begin accepting returns on January 28th and will issue refunds even if the federal government is still in partial shutdown.

  • Monthly News: December 2018
    Posted 12/01/2018

    Data mining software is being used to help the IRS find people who are cheating on their tax returns.

  • Monthly News: November 2018
    Posted 11/01/2018

    The 2018 tax laws have made it easier for the IRS to apply the accuracy-related penalty for substantial understatement of tax when the 20% business tax is involved.

  • Monthly News: October 2018
    Posted 10/01/2018

    People who have large cash deals can receive unwanted attention from the IRS.

  • Monthly News: September 2018
    Posted 09/01/2018

    Don’t forget that the deadline for individuals who have filed and extension is October 15.

  • Monthly News: August 2018
    Posted 08/01/2018

    The new 2018 limit on state and local taxes is $10,000.

  • TCJA effects on business meals.
    Posted 06/20/2018

    Business meals are now once again based on “ordinary and necessary” business expense rules.